



声明:本文是专题《数据可视化的最佳实践》的系列文章,内容摘自 Datawrapper Blog,著作版权由网站及其作者所有。

I. 何时该用表格?

When to use tables?
TIPS 1:展示具体数据的时候

事实上,大多数人不会阅读整张表格(尤其超过 3 行的时候),只会看他们感兴趣的数据。

Use tables if you want to enable readers to look up specific information. In fact, most people won’t read a whole table (especially if it’s made out of more than 3 rows) and instead only look at the data they’re interested in.


TIPS 2:展示一组数字一种模式的时候


Use charts instead of tables if you want to give an overview of your numerical data or show a pattern. If the table is long, readers might give up before they get to the most important values. Charts, however, show an overall picture.


TIPS 3:需要保持数字精度的时候


Use tables if precise numbers are important. Precise numbers matter for decisions, so consider showing them to the reader.


TIPS 4:大多数情况下,人们还是习惯于阅读


Tables are great for data we’re used to reading. Consider showing data in a table instead of visualizing it every time your reader might have a strong idea about the data. Many of us prefer to read with actual numbers instead of visual elements.


TIPS 5:要从不同方向比较数据的时候

Tables work better than charts if your readers should compare data in two directions.


TIPS 6:展示排位(等级)的时候

等级是一种特殊的数字:在等级中,1 的意思并不是只有 2 的一半好,而是“某种意义上的好”。如果将等级可视化,可能会产生这样的误解。

Tables are great for showing ranks. Ranks are special numbers: 1 doesn’t mean half as good as 2, but “somehow better”. Visualizing ranks might support that false reading.


II. 怎样制作更好的表格?

How to create better tables?
TIPS 1:把列宽尽量缩小

缩小列的方式包括,使用图标简称,或者将重复出现的值作为表头(行转列),或者采用简化的数字形式(例如以 1M = 10^6 为单位 1,200,0001.2M 表示,或保留小数 0.11293020.1)。

Consider narrowing (down) your columns. Use icons and abbreviations, bring repeating words in the column header and use a shorter number format or rounded numbers (like 0.1 instead of 0.1129302).


TIPS 2:行数多好过列数多,因为人们更容易浏览垂直排列的信息


Consider structuring your data so that your table has more rows than columns. One possible way to reduce the number of columns is to swap rows and columns. Humans find it easier skimming through the information that’s vertically aligned, not horizontally.

打横的数据 vs 垂直的数据

TIPS 3:当表格行数很多时,可以采用灰白相间的条纹(也被成为“斑马线”)

Consider grey stripes for long tables with many columns. If you can’t avoid many columns, stripe every second row with a light grey (also called “Zebra Shading”).


TIPS 4:根据表格的行数来调整行高


Consider adjusting the row height to the number of rows. If you show only a few rows, a wide layout is more pleasant to the eye. If your table has a lot of rows, consider a compact layout that shows more data in the same available space.


TIPS 5:对于时序数据,最好能够可视化表现它的发展情况,而不仅仅是展示起始点的情况

这种可视化的图形称为“火花线”。不过要记住,火花线并不要求 y 轴一致,因此只能用于展示各自趋势,而不用于彼此之间的对比。如果要比较,请用线图代替。

Consider showing development over time instead of just data from two or three time points. For example instead of showing just two years, you can show how something developed in-between with mini line charts called “Spark Lines”. Because of the limited space, the y-axis range is different for each Spark Line by default, so keep in mind that they only show a general trend but are not comparable with each other. If a consistent y-axis range is important for your data, consider a line chart instead.


TIPS 6:对长表格进行分页


Consider pagination for long tables. A good rule of thumb is that the table should be shorter than a desktop screen if you don’t want readers to miss the fact that your article continues below it. Turn on the pagination feature of a long table to make readers aware that they haven’t reached the end of the article yet.


TIPS 7:善于给表格着色


Use colors to lead the reader’s eye to interesting information & help them navigate the table. Color is a powerful tool to make more important information stand out: Use it to highlight columns or rows that readers shouldn’t miss. When coloring text, consider bright colors. But when coloring whole cells, rows or columns, choose pastel background colors.


TIPS 8:好的表格应该是可检索和排序


If your table contains information which is more relevant to some readers, but less relevant to others, consider making your table searchable & sortable. A solution that will take away only a bit of space is a search field. Enabling readers to sort columns is another way to let readers decide how to best use your table.


TIPS 9:研究数据的排序方式


Put some consideration into how your table is sorted. The longer your table, the more thought you should put into the order of your data; especially if your table data is paginated and therefore most of it is hidden. Enable custom sorting if you’re not sure – but consider that custom sorting can make some tables unreadable.请给表格数据尤其是数值排序

TIPS 10:如果列数很少,可以考虑数据可视化,例如使用条/柱形


Consider visualizing your data with bar charts. Often, we can combine the best of both worlds – the readability & sortability of tables, and the quick overview of our data that charts offer. But showing your data as bars will often make your columns wider than a normal number column. So consider showing bars not for each of your number columns, but only the most important one(s).

可以给数据加上条形图(没错,就是 Excel 的“迷你图”)

TIPS 11:使用热力图来展示同一尺度/口径(例如单位)的数据


Consider visualizing your data with heat maps. If you have more than one column with the same measurement, applying one color gradient to all columns is most intuitive.


III. 进一步阅读


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